Wednesday, March 19, 2008

boo hoo

Well, the Festival doesn't want me this year either. I didn't get past the first phase of jurying with even one of my submissions. Oh, well. I'll try something else next year. I really wonder if the judges understand fiber art. Whatever. It's hard trying to not second guess them.

In the meantime, I have made a departure from my regular raw materials. I had a bag of shredded junk mail that was about to go in the trash. It really bugs me to throw stuff like that out. So, I got to thinking about what I could do with it. I tried a small sample piece and found that I could actually sew on paper. I then made a much larger piece of "paper" and folded it into the shape of a #10 envelope. I stuffed a bunch of unshredded junk mail into the "envelope" and here is the result, shredded paper art! I call this first one "Junk Mail." I see a series coming.


Nikki said...

I love the new paper that you created from your junk mail. The stitching adds a wonderful touch.

Winter Wanderings said...

It's fabulous & generating some new ideas for me too. I can hardly wait to see more of this new series.